  • 2022年4月25日
  • 5分钟阅读


Electrification Coalition Releases Report on First-of-Its-Kind Electric Rental Car Program

奥兰多的试点项目揭示了经验教训 & 出租车队电气化的机会

电气化联盟发布了一份 新报告 detailing the lessons learned from a first-of-its-kind public-private partnership that pioneered the deployment of electric vehicles in a large rental car fleet. 该报告分享了EC的驱动电动奥兰多租赁试点的主要发现, through which tourism industry titans incentivized travelers to rent EVs in Orlando, 美国最大的汽车租赁市场, 也是美国一些最具代表性的主题公园的所在地.

The multi-year program was led by the Electrification Coalition in partnership with 企业租车, 奥兰多市, 佛罗里达中部清洁城市联盟和奥兰多地区的度假胜地和主题公园, 包括迪斯尼乐园和奥兰多环球影城度假村. 这是非营利组织之间独特的合作, 政府机构, and leaders in the tourism industry yielded critical insights for future EV deployments in the rental car market. And the project affirmed that the rental car industry can be a valuable avenue through which to accelerate consumer acceptance and adoption of EVs.

"Rental car companies operate some of the largest light-duty vehicle fleets in the country, so the electrification of this industry will be critical in the shift to an electric transportation future,电气化联盟执行主任Ben Prochazka说. "Drive Electric Orlando put the consumer behind the wheel of an EV during a vacation – a perfect opportunity to experience all the benefits of this technology. 该计划在电动汽车市场增长的早期阶段吸引了消费者, 现在,它可以作为汽车租赁行业走向电动化的路线图."

Prochazka announced the release during a panel discussion at the 2022 International Car Rental Show in Las Vegas, a major convening of leading businesses and stakeholders in the rental car industry from across the globe.

“奥兰多是一个顶级旅游目的地, and we were grateful for the opportunity to embrace the future of how visitors will move around our region,奥兰多市长巴迪·戴尔说. “合作和伙伴关系是帮助奥兰多为未来做好准备的关键, 这包括共同开发清洁能源, 为游客提供可持续的出行选择. 从这个飞行员身上学到的经验, we look forward to enhancing the program and playing a key role in the electric vehicle revolution."

Drive Electric Orlando租赁试点项目部分由美国政府资助.S. 能源部, 试图通过为旅行者提供独特的服务来促进消费者对电动汽车的采用, 实践经验. Program partners incentivized participation by providing exclusive perks to Enterprise customers who rented EVs, 包括免费停车, 免费泊车服务及免费收费.

"We are excited by the increasing interest of rental car companies to electrify," U.S. 能源部 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Sustainable Transportation Michael Berube said. "This early work by the Electrification Coalition and Drive Electric Orlando provides a series of lessons learned for other rental car companies to learn from as they electrify their fleets. The rental car industry can help customers experience the benefits of electric vehicles firsthand, and this report demonstrates valuable insights on how to build a successful electric rental program."

The report serves as a guide for future initiatives and the rental car industry at-large. It presents lessons and recommendations from the groundbreaking program, including:

  • Renting an EV can have a substantial positive impact on a consumer’s attitude toward and interest in the technology. Two-thirds of EV renters surveyed indicated that their experience with Drive Electric Orlando made them more likely to purchase an EV as their next vehicle.
  • 激励措施是吸引项目参与者的宝贵工具. 通过提供各种各样的福利, 例如VIP停车位和免费充电, 项目利益相关者激发了更多消费者租用电动汽车的兴趣.
  • 随着汽车租赁行业将电动汽车纳入其车队, it must be proactive in overcoming certain barriers associated with the transition to this new technology. 例如, 公司需要为员工培训制定计划, onsite charging at rental centers and customer education on EV operation and charging.

就在去年, the transportation sector has made monumental strides toward an electrified future that includes the rental car industry. 国会已经拨款数十亿美元用于发展 电动汽车充电站,通过两党基础设施法.

汽车制造商为电动汽车的生产和销售设定了雄心勃勃的新目标, 消费者对电动汽车的兴趣也在上升. 汽车租赁行业是 紧随其后的是电气化计划.

"In many ways, we were blazing a new trail with each step of the DEO program," Prochazka said. "This pilot helped us dig into the challenges and identify ways for EVs to succeed as rental cars. 随着电动汽车车型数量的增长, 充电站的使用也在增加, it’s our hope that the rental car industry will use the lessons we learned to build a model that will successfully electrify rental fleets across the country."

Rental car businesses operate some of the largest private-sector light-duty fleets in the country, 每年的车辆采购量高达数十万辆. 据博比特商业媒体报道,汽车制造商向美国销售了494960辆汽车.S. 2020年第一季度的租赁车队.

The extraordinary scale and rapid turnover of these fleets offer unique opportunities to deploy electrification as a strategy for direct reductions in transportation emissions and oil consumption, 以及通过消费者的电动汽车体验间接减少. 此外, 汽车租赁行业是二手车的主要来源, supporting a market that is more accessible to middle- and lower-income consumers.

石油占美国能源消耗的90%.S. transportation, leaving consumers vulnerable to volatile prices and supply disruptions. 交通运输是该国温室气体排放的最大来源, 哪些因素加剧了气候变化,侵蚀了公众健康.

要查看报告的在线版本,请访问 DEOReport.org.

Rental car companies operate some of the largest light-duty vehicle fleets in the country, so the electrification of this industry will be critical in the shift to an electric transportation future.